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Take Your Seat, Japan

Our camera turns to the forest for inspiration.

A path leads us skyward, away from the crowds, away from the everyday.

In moments, the melody of our footsteps is all that we hear.
Leaf and moss create a universal composition in tune with primal rhythms

that transcend geography, that eclipse time.

The trees welcome us.

We welcome you to Take Your Seat, Japan!

Kanto Region 関東地方

(Click on any photograph to enter full-screen viewing mode)

‘I watch as an aging Japanese man reads the same page of his book countless times.
His eyes want to close. His mind wants to read.
Gravity and his eyes eventually win as his book falls to his lap as he falls asleep.


How many times have I gone through that same routine?

The language of his dreams may be different, but we are connected just the same.’

Kansai Region 関西地方

(Click on any photograph to enter full-screen viewing mode)

‘We venture into an electrifying throng of happiness.

A panoply of people meld into one continuous rhythm of pure joy.
Our tripod disrupts the flow but not the mood as the crowd happily swirls around us.
One People One Planet One Life reverberates in ecstatic unison with the moment.
We are enthusiastically one with each other.’

Chugoku 中国地方 & CHubu Regions 中部地方

(Click on any photograph to enter full-screen viewing mode)

‘We are mesmerized by the speed of the film being shown to us through the windows of the Shinkansen.

The locals sleep, read or text on their phones. 
Most close the window blinds to mitigate the sun’s intrusion.
They shut off access to a feature film only foreigners can really appreciate. 
Our exotic is their familiar.

They are missing out. I wonder how much I have missed back home.
There will be no more blinds in my future.’


Take Your Seat is led by Randy and Spencer VanDerStarren.


Together, this father-and-son team has given a chair a voice; one that speaks a universal language of unity, responsibility, and individual power that is being shared with audiences around the world.

Take Your Seat and their director's chair have had the privilege of being hosted in 38 countries and counting. We extend a heartfelt thank you for being part of our chair's ongoing journey! Contact us here.

Follow our chair around the world


Behind the scenes メイキング

We post all our favourite behind-the-scenes pictures to our Instagram. Follow us here.

Partners スポンサー

We thank each of the brands below for making Take Your Seat, Japan a reality.


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